RTA Review - The FP designed by The Vaping Postman and Blitz
The FP by Blitz Enterprises and designed TVP. This tank has been been long talked about by Mark – The Vaping Postman and long awaited by many many reviewers and vapers alike. I was lucky enough to get one of the 1st batch of 150 that was brought in by Nature Vape and fittingly for a tank called the F*#k Pig I managed to get the serial number 69. The Box The RTA comes in a sturdy black box with Blitz Enterprises FP RTA, Designed by TVP on the front, the normal TPD warnings are also on the front. (I do like the small writing stating the main warning only applies once the product has been filled with a nicotine containing e-liquid. On the sides you have the Blitz logo, their social media info, the colour of the RTA (it comes in black and Silver/SS), I got the silver one. On the bottom you have the address details of Blitz and a further warning to keep it away from children, non-smokers and animals. (not sure why non-smokers are mentioned as I am a non-smoking vaper)...